Thursday 1 August 2013

A Tale of Two Workouts..

So today was my first day and attempt at working out. I did some "performance mode" training on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I emerged, sweaty, in pain but somewhat triumphant.

However, during the workout, I was bored sh*tless. Staring at last years Christmas martini (the treadmill is in the garage) and wondering if my workouts done yet. Even blasting out some heavy bass tunes to piss my neighbours off didn't keep me entertained. I cant run out doors as I have a tendancy to twist my ankles and hips and that takes me back to square one. 

I was with my boyfriend last night at a skate park, no he's not 15, he's 24 with an urge to return to his teenage years of skating around the village carefree and scaring old ladies. 

Anyway, I digress, we were at a skate park and him and his mates were doing some lovely things on a skate board and I was watching them, (if you're wondering why I didn't join in, think bambi on ice...) and noticed how hot, sweaty and out of breath they all were.. but how much fun they were having.. It got the cogs whirring.. I wonder if I could find a cardio that I enjoy, and then I might have a minute chance at sticking to it... 

I'll keep you posted ;) 
Have a beautiful day 

Beth x x x

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Weigh in Wednesday

Some pleasant and not so pleasant suprises... 

We'll start with the good news, I'm actually not as heavy as I thought, this morning first thing I weighed in at 132.4lbs. I was expecting around 140. 

Despite being chubby I think I must be blessed with a high metabolism. At my heaviest around the age of 16/17, I weighed around 145 pounds. So despite managing to eat a whole bag of donuts in a day nowadays (yes, really) my weight has never been that high again. I'm not sure how or why though. It was round the age I got my first horse so maybe that's a large factor, moving my butt more.  

And the bad news. 

Margo weighs in at around 580kg. Thats around 100kg over weight. Not good at all. 

Of course weighing a pony isnt easy, and there's room for error but I figure if I'm making the same error every week it should be somewhat accurate? Maybe? No? Okay. The only problem is its just started chucking it down over here in England so trying to exercise her is nigh on impossible, I really don't know what to do. 

Speak later lovelies. Have a beautiful day. 
Beth x x x

Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Background Information...

The Basics, 

Hi guys, I'm Beth, I'm 21 with the activity level of a sloth. I've made the decision to get fit and healthy, and to drag my pony along for the journey with me! 

I've had Margo since September 2011 and we've both gone through weight loss, weight gain and we're both currently horrendously unfit and a both a little overweight. Obviously Margo can't do this on her own, and it's my fault that Margo is so unfit and to put it bluntly, unhealthy.It's the wake up call I've needed to move my ass and get fit.

Margo's stats:
She's 14.1 hands of joy,
She's 6 years young,
She's a comtois x appaloosa.
She's chestnut with a snowflake coat. 

My Stats;
I'm 5"2 inches of joy.
I'm 21 years young
I live in England.
Sloths are more active than I am...

Keep posted for tomorrows weight update for both of us....